55 Word Stories
“Fifty-five word stories are brief pieces of creative writing that use elements of poetry, prose, or both to encapsulate key experiences in health care. These stories have appeared in Family Medicine and JAMA and have been used to teach family medicine faculty development fellows. Read more…
“The highly structured villanelle is a nineteen-line poem with two repeating rhymes and two refrains. Villanelles can be useful because the repetition of refrains allows the poet to explore or transform the meaning of the refrain throughout the process of the poem. Read more…
Redaction Poetry
Redacted Poetry, also known as Black Out Poetry, is a fun and creative way to repurpose a piece of writing. All we need to accomplish this lab is a dark writing utensil (black marker works best) and a selection of writings. The point of Redacted Poetry is to use the words in the pages as your jumping off point. Read more…
Yuval maintains that the human concept of reality is confined within the limits of stories that we have all agreed to believe are real. From this perspective, engaging in fiction can become the gateway to change - if we allow ourselves to imagine a world that is different, only then can we begin to identify what needs to change and what steps we can take to make those changes. Read more…